Sunday, 14 November 2021

Finding My Way Again.

 Many moons ago, well in 2012 actually, I was attending St Columba's Presbyterian Church in Napier. I had joined with St Columba's after St Stephen's Pressy Church in Wickcliffe Road had closed, and after a short time at St Paul's in the city. I was an elder at St Columba's. It was a congregation that became like a family for me. While I did have my differences with it at times, it was still good for me.

While there, I worked on the production of the 'Halo' magazine with four amazing women: Dot McLeod, Sue Read, Caroline Smithers and Frances McLay. When I left to shift to Masterton, where the rent was cheaper at the time, they presented me with a book to say farewell. That book, written by Brian McLaren, is titled 'Finding Our Way Again' with the subtitle 'The return of the Ancient Practice.' I keep returning to it time and time again for comfort, guidance and to seek help and certainty with my spiritual life. It is the first book in the Ancient Practices Series edited by Phyllis Tickle. The other books in the series are: In Constant Prayer by Robert Benson, Sabbath by Dan B Allender, Fasting by Scot McKnight, The Sacred Meal by Nora Gallagher, The Pilgrimage by Diana Butler Bass, The Liturgical Year by Joan Chittister and Tithing by Douglas LeBlanc. At this stage I have only read Brian McLaren's book.

I have said previously that I have decided to become a 'Follower of Jesus,' as apposed to calling myself a Christian. I am also well aware that there are a great number of people these days who say they prefer to adhere to the New Testament rather than the Old Testament.

In my daily devotions my 'Mantra' consists of two verses from two Psalms and a verse from Isaiah: Psalm 16:8 C.E.V. 'Lord, I will always look to you as you stand beside me and protect me from fear,' Psalm 91:2 C.E.V. 'Lord, you are my fortress, my safe place, my God, and I trust you,' and Isaiah 46:4 (b) C.E.V. 'You created me, you carry me, you will always keep me safe.'

I am likewise now guided by Jeremiah 6:16 C.E.V. The Lord said: My people, when you stood at the crossroads, I told you, "Follow the road your ancestors took, and you will find peace," As I am at the Crossroads I reckon I can find my way by returning to the ancient practices because did not Jesus say: Matthew 6:17 C.E.V. "Don't suppose that I came to do away with the Law and the Prophets. I didn't come to do away with them, but to give them their full meaning."

On past experience it has taken me about 3 - 4 years to read through the Old Testament in it's entirety, so let's see how I go. All those, so and so begat so and so, and the family trees don't excite me much. And as I am going through Genesis, at the moment, all the lies and bad things said and done often make me feel that I'm not half as bad as I actually am.

May God bless you and give you peace.

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