Sunday, 21 October 2018

How am I doing?

How am I doing?

About as well as can be expected I suppose. Looking back over my blog efforts doesn't show an individual inspired by much really.

I have, however, made a huge decision. Actually making a decision is a big thing in my life. It takes a long time, a lot of procrastination, lots of 'maybes' and 'perhaps' and 'but what ifs.' Often I do see the rainbow but I'm also prone to see the dark black clouds gathering and I just know that they're going to block out that rainbow. They rarely do but then again they just might.

That decision was to give up my 'Junk Mail' rounds. I had already given up one of them which left me with three. They take about one hour and thirty minutes each to walk and about the same to fold. While the income is of help, my wife and kids have prevailed and I do my last round at the end of this month.

What am going to do with all that extra time I will have on my hands?

Well I am in training to do what I promised myself I would do in my retirement years.

I will resume my writing, and working on my jade carving and jewellery making. I will also be able to devote more time to my Church life. Since making the big decision I have put myself entirely in the Lord's hands. That decision was made at 0740 hours on Wednesday 12th September. There was no spontaneous sound of hallelujahs but there was a comfortable feel about making it, writing it down in my diary, and saying it aloud. Since that day life has not changed a lot but in myself I feel calmer. Normally I would be approaching the end of October with dread, wondering how we will survive, along with a lot of other matters.

I'm looking forward to November. I'm looking forward to goodness knows what. At least I am looking forward.

Mm, none of that is what I originally set out to blog about, but there you are.     

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