Wednesday, 16 January 2013


  I have just returned from a month in Perth, Australia, to visit my daughter, her husband and my five grand kids. All that amounts to a huge backlog of 'stuff' that I can 'blog' about. Another day perhaps.
  Today I have been reintroduced to weeds. Not 'weed', that one that sends you into a haze or something, but the common old garden variety. The ones that grow out of little cracks in the concrete or where anything joins anything. The ones I have met today were introduced to me by a lady at my church. I had barely arrived back in Masterton from Perth when the telephone rang. The said lady, in a very nice way, said my attendance was required (would be appreciated) at the Church buildings the following day as there was work to be done. It would be beneficial, I was informed, if I brought a spade with me.
  I duly attended. Weeds had made their homes in a variety of places about the building and had to be removed. I had not really noticed them to be honest. I attend at the church and associated buildings regularly but my attention is always focused on what I am there to do or upon whom I am speaking with. I had never noticed the weeds. It turns out that previously, the weeds had been dealt to by a person who was no longer able to undertake the task. Nobody had replaced him. (How sad is that?) Not only that, it took another person to point the weeds out to me.
  The story of my life I reckon. Possibly yours too. How many weeds are growing in your life that you are not seeing? Perhaps you also need someone to point them out to you.

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